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Member Offer

Membership of MHNC brings many benefits.

We are the leading voice for VCSE delivery of mental health care in Northamptonshire and, as a hugely respected and well-established organisation, have earned a key role in strategic decision making within the county.

But MHNC is about more than as we also provide – in several different forms – support, funding and information for our members.

MHNC is a powerful voice within Northamptonshire’s mental health hierarchy.

As the Provider Partner of the Adult & Older People’s Mental Health Collaborative, we hold a very significant and influential position in decision making within the county.

Representation through our chair means we hold positions in the MHLDA Collaborative Executive Board, MHLDA Leadership meetings and the MHLDA Clinical Senate.

We also have involvement in all of the MHLDA Collaborative Pillars where we are able to provide a voice for our members.

As a respected body who has oversight of VCSE-sector mental health delivery in Northamptonshire, we are able to influence outcomes and promote progress and innovation.

As the leading organisation overseeing voluntary sector mental health delivery in Northamptonshire, MHNC is in a unique position to secure funding for its members.

Among the contracts currently held by MHNC and sub-contracted for delivery through its members are

  • Primary Care Intervention services, which include free-to-access support including counselling, peer support and volunteering
  • The Crisis Pathway, which employs mental health navigators to assist those requiring help along with support services such as the Crisis Cafes and Hospital At Home
  • A recently-developed initiative in partnership with North Northamptonshire Council to develop a community network of volunteers who will help people with low-level mental health problems develop into more serious issues.
Interaction within MHNC is key to the sharing of news, information and support.

Our regular member meetings offer a chance for everyone to come together and discuss particular topics or issues our organisations feel important.

Information relevant to the VCSE mental health sector is also shared with members by our coordinator and a newsletter while our website offers a central hub for storage of various tools and references that might be of use.

A ‘CEO Network’ helps offer information sharing and personal support to those who lead our organisations with a framework for enabling practitioners to meet in the same way is in development.

MHNC also hosts an annual conference which highlights the work of its members in delivering excellent mental health care in Northamptonshire while also offering the chance to address issues facing both mental health care and the voluntary sector.

MHNC offers advice and assistance to its members on a range of matters.

We can provide assistance, should it be required, on governance, ensuring that members adhere to best practices and meet regulatory requirements.

We can also help implement quality improvements, guiding members through continuous enhancement of their processes and services.

Additionally, we can provide support in securing funding by directing our members to new streams of funding and producing bids for collaborative work and delivery.

MHNC is able to assist its members by providing tools and strategies to enhance leadership and organisational structure.

Through our training and workshops, we aim to help our members develop their skills and knowledge enable them to keep up to date with change and able adapt to ever-evolving challenges.

Additionally, we engage actively in local and national policy advocacy, ensuring our members are well-informed and influential in shaping policies that impact their sector.

By providing this support we hope to equip our members with the chance to thrive and drive positive change in their communities.

If you are concerned about an immediate risk of harm, either to yourself or someone else, please phone 999.

If you need mental health help you can call our navigators on 0800 448 0828. They are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week for urgent mental health support.

If you want a safe space to talk to a professional mental health worker, we run regular Crisis Cafes at various locations around the county. There will be someone there who can offer you help. There is no need to call, just drop in to find a safe place with hope and comfort and find your pathway to recovery.

“You are not alone. You are seen. I am with you. You are not alone.”

Shonda Rhimes