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Our Partners

Northamptonshire Healthcare Foundation Trust

NHFT provide MHNC with our PCI (Primary Care Interventions) and Crisis Pathway contracts. Through this support we are able to give our members funding to provide essential low-level mental health care across the communities of Northamptonshire.

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The David Laing Foundation

The David Laing Foundation is a charitable body working across many areas including Youth, Health, Arts, Disability & the Physically Disadvantaged, Education, Community, Heritage & Heritage Skills. Their support has provided funding to offer training to MHNC members.

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If you are concerned about an immediate risk of harm, either to yourself or someone else, please phone 999.

If you need mental health help you can call our navigators on 0800 448 0828. They are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week for urgent mental health support.

If you want a safe space to talk to a professional mental health worker, we run regular Crisis Cafes at various locations around the county. There will be someone there who can offer you help. There is no need to call, just drop in to find a safe place with hope and comfort and find your pathway to recovery.

“My dark days made me stronger. Or maybe I already was strong, and they made me prove it.”

Emery Lord